The crowning glory of Annie B's Spanish Kitchen is without doubt the azotea (roof terrace). If you tell someone Spanish you have an azotea, they will know you are in Andalucia. They are only refered to as azoteas in this part of Spain.
On days like today when the sky is the deepest blue and the sun is waving at me, the view from my azotea never fails to take my breath away. Nothing ever looks as good when taken with my camera (unless you can eat it!) however in this photo you are looking over the beach at Zahara de los Atunes, towards the northern coast of Morocco. Everything that enters into the Med does so through this Estrecho - ships, boats, basking sharks, whales, dolphins and of course the blue fin tuna at this time of year.
This azotea is an idyllic place to sip on your chilled Manzanilla and munch on a few olives whilst the world remains static in front of you.
Ven y disfruta
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