Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cherries and Gruyere

Last night my friends Brian ans Susie came to stay at Annie B's Spanish Kitchen. They brought with them a case of new season's cherries and warned that although really juicy, they were slightly tart. They went on to tell me that on Saturday they bought cherries and a hunk of Gruyere albeit not by design - they just came across both at a market.They started nibbling on both later that day and discivered the accidental combination was spectacular.

For some strange reason - I also had gruyere in my fridge.Obviously a ment to be fridge supply as it's not something I normally buy.If I hadn't had it, it's unlikely I'd have gone searching the shops as I thought the idea of the combo quite weird.

I couldn't believe it! The sweetness of the gruyere complimented the tartness of the cherries brilliantly.

You've got to try this!


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